Our approach

An overview. Public administrative law is multifaceted. In addition to our specialisation in data protection, we are available for all administrative matters. We provide our clients with the necessary overview and support where legal action is required. This primarily includes correspondence with the authorities and representation before the administrative courts. Our advice is aimed at both private individuals and entrepreneurs – in particular, we deal with matters relating to commercial and industrial property law. We focus on prevention in our consultations – in this way we avoid the fulfilment of administrative offences. In the event that administrative criminal proceedings have already been initiated, we set the course for the optimal handling of the proceedings and, if necessary, also fight unjustified administrative penalties.



Our offer

  • Administrative criminal law
  • Data privacy law
  • Commercial and industrial plant law
  • Representation before all authorities and administrative courts
  • Public construction law
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Administrative law

Real estate and
housing law

Insolvency law and
business restructuring


Damages and warranty

Consulting producer organisations

in cooperation with gfa-consulting gmbh

Asserting claims and
conducting cases


Inheritance law

(Estate) curator

Data privacy law

Permanent representation infront of DSB

Contract drafting

Registered trustee

Criminal law

Defence lawyer in criminal cases

Start ups

Commercial law

General legal

Family law

Judicial adult representative, authorised representative

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